Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Joy of Justice

Right now people are pleading for justice throughout the United States.  Why?  Because there have been violent injustices shown towards black people.

The joy of justice is almost always blended with sorrow.  The family members of George Floyd long to see the police officers brought to justice by guilty verdicts for the four officers.  And yet they cannot bring George back.  But oh what a joy it will be to see justice come!

Lord bring justice to this situation and so many others where black people are killed by officers.  You are able.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Joy of Transparency

Do you hesitate to share what your struggles are? Hide what you're facing?

Know the joy of confession in transparency. God gave us other people to help carry our burdens. 

There is Wisdom in carefully choosing who we divulge our problems to. But let us not be cynical or distrusting or skeptical. We need to realize the joy in opening up to trustworthy people. They can show compassion, pray with you, offer counsel and point out how God is at work through the situation. 

If you are alone and don't feel like there is anyone safe around, consider finding a church that has people trying to follow Jesus according to the scriptures. 

When I failed sexually in my past I went to a pastor and was met with mercy. He did call me to repent. But he also comforted me through the repentance. 

Call or text me at 616.419.7176 if you need someone to talk to. There is joy in confession.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Joy of Unity

Paul says to the Corinthians,

I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. (1 Corinthians 1:10 ESV)

There is a strong pleading for the church to be united in mind and thought.

Life is full of joy when the church has unity. Christians then take their eyes off themselves and stop winning the conversations in their mind and they start talking to people to reconcile and seek out mutual understanding.

Those conversations are graces and create joy! Be united to your family in Christ today!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Joy of Mistakes

In one sense I hate it when I make mistakes.

But in another sense I take joy in seeing God show mercy and transformational Grace when I fail.

Recently at work I made a decision that I felt was right and intentions but wrong in approach. That seems to happen all too often in my life.

But the joy of knowing that God is sovereign is that I can see how he is working on my character through these mistakes.

So I don't wish to make mistakes today but I want to be humble to really learn from them and not be quick to justify myself in my failures.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Joy of Reading

Aren't we all tempted when were tired to simply plop down in front of the tv and watch some mind numbing junk?

But what if we picked up a book?

I've been using iBooks and find joy in the Sherlock Holmes book I'm reading. My mind is engaged and I love trying to figure out the case before it's revealed.

So what book will you enjoy today?

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Joy of Friendship

So I've begun to connect with some quality men in Grand Rapids and one of them said yesterday, "Friendship is built on trust."  I think that might be the issue that I don't quickly build deep friendships with guys.  I don't know if I've grown to really trust people.

But there is joy in letting down the guard and inviting people to see the real me.  Lord help me to enjoy friendships and be transparent and open to trusting people and to be trustworthy.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Joy of Politics

Now I know what you're thinking.  Politics are joyful?  Most of the time people do not approach them in joyful ways.  Negative ads.  Hateful speech about the "other" candidate.  Doom and gloom talk!

But think of all the joys surrounding politics.  You see people become passionate about their issues.  You see people participating in a democratic process.  You see no coup d'etats whatsoever!  You see campaign managers and staff seeing the fruit of their labor!

And hopefully you see Christians praying for leaders.  You see Christians speaking kind words about people.  You see Christians engaged in dialogue about important issues.  There are many joys that can come from politics.

I've had some of the most engaging conversations with my mother-in-law because of this election.  So thank you God for the joy of politics!