Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Joy of a Running Joke

My coworkers and I have a joke that we have enjoyed for weeks now. And life brings all kinds of scenarios where the punch line fits and we laugh and laugh.

Do you have joy in something like that?

The Joy of Caleb's Thoughts

Celeb told me the reason he loved being with his grandparents:

"I don't get spanked. And they give me whatever I want." what does he want?

He said, "If I ask for cauliflower they give me cauliflower."

I love this guy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Joy of Disagreements

It's hard to affirm the title but the Bible tells us this:

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds...James 1:2.

So arguments with my wife can cause joy. I'm not saying we should be yelling at each other. But when God ordains differences of perspectives, the Holy Spirit wants us to be joyful because He wants to make us more like Jesus Christ.

So my wife and are working through several core categories of life: intimacy, vocation, parenting and how to honor God in the day to day. We both have strong thoughts and many weaknesses. So when we disagree we need to rejoice instead of give into the flesh and grumble and criticize. We need to see that this disagreement is meant to help us in our pursuit of joy.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Joy of God

Why do I find satisfaction in such vomit? In crap! I need the delight of the divine!

If I really love God I will be drawn to enjoy Him in my every minute and second.

I think lust and entertainment and pride in my accomplishments and winning arguments against my wife and snapping at my kids will make me happy. I'm so foolish.

Lord make me wise by seeking my joy in you.

Praise the LORD, all nations!

Extol him, all peoples!

And Mike Ward, seek the joy of God!