Monday, September 10, 2012

The Joy of Beer

I now have a one beer limit because I'm a lightweight. Even though I weigh 225 pounds, I can't handle my beers. But one beer? I got this.

I was introduced to Labatt Blue when I travelled to Toronto for a business trip in the summer of 2000. I was so drunk that when we caught a Blue Jays game I had thousands of Chinese participating in a wave.

But now as a Christian I enjoy the taste and the slightest refreshment that comes from a frosty beverage. Thank you Jesus for creating beer.

The Joy of a Picture

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Joy of Confrontation

I was at jimmy johns last night and saw this male teenager, probably 17 or 18, putting sprite in his water cup at the fountain machine.

I felt compelled to confront him and said, "Are you stealing pop? Are you stealing pop? Is that sprite?"

He almost didn't want to acknowledge my presence. But he timidly and with shame said, "Yes."

My heart was beating rapidly as I was nervous or had adrenaline. I told him, "That's stealing. We call that stealing. Why don't you pour it out?"

So he did. I felt bad that I was rough on him. They walked away. I went to get some cash out of my wallet. But when I turned around he and his friend had vanished.

I wish I had said something more gracious or compassionate. And I easily could've brought Jesus Christ into the conversation. I don't regret saying something. I just think I could've said more.

I saw a different man steal mountain dew at culvers recently. I didn't say anything then. But I wish I had.

A few years ago I was buying a sugary cappuccino drink from Speedway at 7am on my way to work when I saw a man put a breakfast biscuit sandwich in his pocket. I followed him for two seconds and loudly said, "This man is stealing. He has a sandwich in his pocket! Hello Speedway workers. This man is stealing."

The guy turns to me and said, "I was going up pay for it. I have money," as he rushed some bills out of his other pocket. He knew he was guilty. I shamed him again and said, "God doesn't want us to steal."

I think I repeated that line when his older (and stronger) coworker came up to me and threatened, "Leave him alone or I'll kick your ass."

So I left him alone. They left the store and I recovered from my rapidly beating heart.

The speedway workers thanked me and I was able to calm down. My heart is beating fast just thinking about that story.

I used to steal soft drinks from fast food places all the time. And i stole thousands of things from stores wherever I went. I didn't think it was a big deal. But then Jesus Christ confronted me and brought me to faith. What an amazing change He has done in my life. I'm so happy that He is free too.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Joy of a Tea Party

Brett decided to throw a surprise tea party for Melissa's 30th birthday.

Everyone has decided to get into the fun and dress up nice.

I tried to convince Caleb to speak in English accent but he hasn't seemed interested yet.

Oh wait he just spoken English accent. Praise God.

Alan dressed up as Sherlock Holmes.

And Cindy did it perfect job setting up the nicest English China. Figure that one out.

And there are still remnants from Katelyn's pink birthday party.

Even Beth tried to speak in English accent. And it wasn't that bad. Okay it was really not close to bad but it was in the neighborhood.

Our family has gone bonkers celebrating peoples lives.

Lovely party and I'm glad I was invited.